Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash


Poetry Feb 22, 2025

by mk zariel

nobody starts a prayer circle about you at school unless they think

you’re liminal enough to need saving. teenage boys afraid of being

undesired, they linger on fortnite afraid of every supposed insults

that stems from this dyke existing, living — i am the topic

of their group chat. i really need the lord, they announce, not knowing

that i don’t believe in a higher power but if i did she’d be transness embodied

or eris discordia, for the memes — or maybe just someone who gives you gender envy

on tiktok. they claim my soul is polluted, dripping with queer delighting filth

that they envy yet will never cop to —claim that i will burn in hell not knowing

that i don’t need to, because that’s just called the internet

when you’re not a dude —then when i send them the gay parts of the bible

i awkwardly discover that they somehow think the bible

is porn. they wallow in ignorance, contradicting conspiracies, afraid of this dyke

ignoring them, blocking and reporting, anything but an object

of unwanted prayers.
